Saturday, September 26, 2009



Purna was a devoted disciple of the Buddha. One day, as he sat in meditation, he got an urge to go and spread the Master’s message among the wild people of Sronapranta. The plan appeared preposterous to many of his of his fellow bhikkus. But Purna was a man of faith. He was fearless. His heart was filled with love and compassion for all who dwelt in the house of darkness.

Purna came to the Buddha for his blessings. And the Buddha said to him, Purna, you know so well that the people of Sronapranta are wild and ferocious. They insult and slander one another and are given to fits of anger. If they speak to you insultingly and abuse you and get angry with you, what will you do?”

“If they behave with me thus, Master!” answered Purna, “I shall think them to be kindly and friendly, since they do not beat or stone me.”

“And what if they beat or stone you?”

“Even then I shall think them to be kind and friendly, since they do not kill me.”

“And what if they kill you, Purna?”

Purna said, “Even if they kill me, Master! I shall still think them to be kind and friendly, since they have liberated me from the limitations of the body.”

The Buddha was well-pleased with Purna. To him, the Blessed One said, “Purna, you are gifted with the greatest gentleness and patience. You can go and dwell among the people of Sronapranta. Show them the way to be free as you are free!”

Blessed was Purna. He was free: he was fearless. He showed to many the way to be fearless and free. It is not the way of lusting after pleasure or of accumulating possessions or of acquiring earthly power. It is the way of knowing that we are very near and dear to God. “Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings?” asked Jesus. “And not one of them is forgotten in the sight of God. Fear not ye are of more value than many sparrows.” It is the way of giving gratitude to God for all that happens, of being glad in all circumstances and rejoicing forever, singing the song: “The golden age is in my heart, today. ”In the midst of poverty and privation, Saint Tukaram sang:-

No food have I nor shelter:
A homeless wanderer I,
Whom no child doth greet at eventide!

Yet there is none richer than I,
For I have all love and all joy.
I have God: His grace and His love
Fill me to overflowing!

Come poverty, come pain,
With God enthroned within my heart,
No ill can lay me low!

All things pass:
As a dream they come,
As a dream they go!

I dwell in deathless joy,
And I have no fear:
For I abide in Him,
And His immortal touch is on my soul!

(Author: Sri J P Vaswani)