Thursday, December 8, 2011

10 simple tips for a healthy winter

10 simple tips for a healthy winter

Do you know why your body gets infected with bacteria and viruses causing cold, flu, coughs and sore throats especially during winter? Let's learn about it here.

Winter comes with a drop in temperature. This means our body has to adapt itself to the new change.  During this period of transition, our immunity tends to get low, providing an opportunity for viruses and bacteria to enter our bodies and thrive.

Here are 10 simple ways to improve your immunity and enjoy this winter in good health.

1. Have hot water bath every day. This helps in regulating your body temperature and also helps your immune system in fighting cold and coughs.

2. Wear warm clothes and have warm foods. This keeps body warm and helps restricting hypothermia, a condition of shivering, exhaustion and drowsiness.

3. Resist the temptation towards junk food.  Keeping your diet healthy with balanced amount of fruits and vegetables. They reduce the effects of winter infections.

4. Drink more milk. Being great source of protein and Vitamins A and B12, they put your immune system on top and fights cold the best way.

5. Regular intake of Vitamin D improves immunity against flu. But paradox is, sunlight, the abundant source of Vitamin D isn't available much during winter. So consult your doctor for Vitamin D tablets if need arises.

6. Wash your hands with hot water and soap whenever you use the washroom. This clears the infectious bacteria and viruses that you might have come in contact with.

7. Use handkerchiefs or napkins when coughing. Bringing your hand in the way when coughing results in clinging of virus and bacteria that spread easily on contact.

8. Sleep! This has to be the easiest way for a strong immune system. Make sure you have at least 7 hours of sleep daily for good health.

9. Sweat it out.  Let the cold weather not stop you from your regular workout regime.  This keeps your body robust and improves protection against winter diseases.

10. Winter can make your skin dry and crack. So, drink lots of water and use water based moisturizers to stop winter from drying your skin.

Winter is a time of holiday and fun. Modify your lifestyle a bit as per the season and protect yourself from harmful diseases.