Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Marriage - Facts You Need to Know - 08

·         You need to know you can pray to become a better husband or wife.

·         God pays attention to those prayers.

·         You need to know that saying grace at mealtime is one way to start praying together.

·         You need to know that sometimes having a strong faith in God can cause a fight. Evidence we live in a fallen world. And a great time to practice forgiveness, patience, and faith.

·         You need to know that prayer brings divine power into your relationship.

·         You need to know that giving back to God somehow strengthens your marriage.

·         You need to know to talk to each other about your beliefs. You don't have to agree. You do have to talk.

·         You need to know that when you focus on the wonderful things

·         about your partner, God can focus on providing for your needs.

·         You need to know that praying to God to change your spouse is telling God what to do.

·         You need to know to find a place of worship that you can support wholeheartedly and attend regularly. If your spouse comes, even better.

·         You need to know a strong marriage means someone is praying for you every night.

·         You need to know you can spice up your marriage with a spiritual retreat. And you thought you needed Vegas.

·         You need to know the only way to change a person is to start praising them. This is really hard when you see credit card bills piling up and laundry lying on the floor, but it works.

·         You need to know both optimism and pessimism work as intended on a marriage.

·         You need to know to be gentle.

·         You need to know to admit when you're wrong. Single people can't do this.

·         You need to know to thank God daily for the love you've found in each other.

·         You need to know to find a place to worship when you're on vacation. Don't leave your spirituality at home.

·         You need to know that rock-solid marriages aren't built on watching TV every night, but on daily discussions that begin with "Tell me about your day."

·         You need to know forgiveness isn't a sign of weakness. Resentments are.

·         You need to know to agree beforehand if your baby boy will be baptized or circumcised. Or both.