Monday, June 7, 2010

Fight off cold

Fight off cold


Here’s how to boost your immunity ...

Sleep well: Getting a good night’s sleep on a regular basis can go a long way in making your body stronger. Studies show that those who skip the essential seven to eight hours sleep a day, may be putting themselves at risk. Getting some shut eye is necessary for the body to function at its optimum.

Vitamin alert : While most people pop vitamin C pills at the slightest hint of a cold, experts suggest that getting more of vitamin D is actually helpful. Found in its natural form in sunlight, this vitamin, if not present in adequate amounts, will produce less proteins that kill bacteria and viruses. Try to eat a diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals.

Toe the line : You’ve probably had your mom ranting about this one, but keeping your toes covered can prevent you from catching a chill. Exposing your feet can cause constriction of the blood vessels and reduce the body’s defenses.

Work it out : Those who do regular exercises could reduce the risk of catching colds. Getting a good workout can help increase the production of immune cells in the blood and saliva. Go for aerobics, brisk walking or even cycling.

Wash properly : Washing your hands often can reduce your chances of catching a cold. Scrub your hands with an anti-bacterial soap as soon as you step into your home. Carrying a hand-sanitising gel in your purse will help, as you can use it whenever you require it.

Fungus power : Research suggests that white button mushrooms can help keep diseases away. Including a cup of raw or cooked mushrooms daily in your diet, will make a difference.

Drink up : Alcohol has many benefits if consumed in moderation. Having one or two drinks a day reduces the risk of getting a cold.